Why Massage Therapy?

Your body is part of everything you do! Just as the roots of a tree provide stability and nourishment, your body is the base from which your life branches. Problems in an individual part have a systemic affect on your entire body. Strength, flexibility, and suppleness in your body come from healthy tissues. Eliminating problems in the soft tissues allows greater health, well-being, and higher quality of life.

Therapeutic massage is a medical therapy indicated for rehabilitation of injuries, symptoms of overuse, recurring and chronic pain, surgical scarring, stress, anxiety, and much, much more. Choosing a conscientious professional, with quality education, an experienced background, and a focus on safety and ethics insures a high standard of service.  You can trust that you are in good hands with Away Therapeutic Body Care with Wendi Wells.

Feeling good is essential to a quality life.  Without good health it is difficult and sometimes impossible to enjoy activities and family, work efficiently, or even carry out every day routines.  Injuries to our shoulders and knees can make it impossible to play sports, enjoy site-seeing on vacation, take out the trash, or put away the groceries. Chronic conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia can cause us to cancel plans made with loved ones because we just don’t feel up to it.  Add mental stress and fatigue to the picture, and life can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Stress doesn’t just feel aweful emotionally it can also exacerbate just about any health condition you can think of. When you’re stressed, your body naturally responds to a crisis, danger, or threat by constricting blood vessels, and raising blood pressure and heart rate; you breathe faster, and more shallowly; and your bloodstream is flooded with inflammatory markers, and hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. If stress becomes a constant, persistent, and low-level condition, all parts of the body’s stress apparatus (the brain, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and muscles) become chronically over or under activated. Over time, chronic stress may produce physical or psychological damage, leading to health problems

Massage can help relieve many of the conditions that reduce our quality of life. It promotes deep relaxation and stress reduction and can stimulate the release of endorphins — the body’s natural pain killers. Increased blood flow helps to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the nervous system and muscle tissues and reduces restrictions, which all increase muscle function.

When your muscles can function without the restrictions of tension, and your nervous system is encouraged to slow down and relax, many of the conditions you thought you would just have to live with will improve.  The result:  An improved quality of life.   Once again, you can enjoy family and friends, have energy left at the end of the day, and the ability to live life they way you want to.

We’ll work together to soothe away knots, aches, pains and open the doors to wellness through communication and skilled application of a variety of techniques. Your session is customized to address your own individual needs. We will work within your comfort level to relieve various adhesions, trigger points, and inconsistencies in muscle and connective tissues, restoring them to health and vitality. Your muscles and soft tissues will be encouraged to heal, allowing your body to gain strength, through increased circulation of nourishment and oxygen, improved ease of movement, and decreased tightness discomfort.

Anxiety will drain away as you allow yourself to breathe, visualize peaceful imagery, and feel the stress in your body easing out of your trunk and limbs. You’ll experience relaxing energy flowing through your body with soothing music and soft aromatherapy scents to enhance the experience. Tension, injuries, and traumas in your soft tissues will gently melt away. The lasting changes you will experience will make this an exciting journey into wellness.

Shouldn’t you discover the physical and emotional benefits of massage for yourself? Many have found that regular massage treatments have had such a wholesome effect on their daily outlook that they have enthusiastically recommended massage to their friends and relatives. Massage is a life-long investment in your health and happiness. Begin your investment today.